
Week 4 Learning Summary

Week 4 subject 1: File Operation (contd.)

  • More ways to process File contents in Lists:
    • List(File) is a list of lines from File,
    • .readlines(hint) returns a list of lines.
  • One way to avoid explicitly closing files is using 
        with open(Filename) as File:

            File will be automatically closed at the end of the with block.

  • Opening files for output using the 'w' or 'a' modes in the open() function.  Note the different behaviour vs. 'r' when the file doesn't exist.
  • Output to files with the write() function.
  • Files by default is a sequential media.  There's a historical reason for this.  However there are ways to move in a file in both directions:
    • .seek(offset, from) moves forward or backward in file,
    • .tell() tells the current position in file.

Week 4 subject 2: Functions

  • A Function is a block of code with:
    • A name,
    • Zero or more parameters,
    • Zero or more return values.
  • Functions are useful for:
    • Eliminating repetition, and
    • Simplifying code, making it easier to read.
  • The same number of parameters need to be provided when calling a Function, as the number of parameters in the definition of the function.
  • You can specify default values of parameters in the definition.  When there are default values, less parameters can be provided when calling.
  • Use the return statement to return values to the caller.  You can return multiple values:
    • In the form of a tuple, i.e., multiple values separated by commas, or
    • In a list.

Week 4 subject 3: Scope of variables

  • Variables have scopes, i.e., parts of the program where they can be referenced.
  • There are 2 types of variables based on their scopes:
    • Global variables: those defined outside any function, and
    • Local variables: those defined inside a function
  • Global variables are valid inside functions, but local variables aren't valid outside functions.
  • All variables must be first defined before referenced, within their respective scopes.
  • Functions are like global variables, they must be defined before being called.
  • Expand your knowledge by doing research of the concept Namespace.

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